Give your customers FREE SIRIUSXM at no cost to your shop!

The SiriusXM for Shop Customers Program is completely free, offering 3-month trial suscriptions to eligible customers coming in for a serice visit. No credit card required. No extra effort needed from your shop. No kidding!
Program Benefits
Give customers free SiriusXM at no cost to your shop including access in the car and an even more personalized and easier-to-use content discovery streaming experience on the SiriusXM app. No credit card required.
Easy to Enroll
Go to the integration page in “SHOP SETTINGS” and find SiriusXM to start your enrollment. Once steps are complete, SiriusXM will notify eligible customers of their trial courtesy of your Shop & SiriusXM.
Eligibility Checks
Vehicles must be SiriusXM-equipped and/or determined eligible by SiriusXM. Ineligible customers include those with active or recently active SiriusXM paid or trial subscriptions.