& earn

$ for you and a friend

Know someone who would love Tekmetric? Earn $200 when your friends join Tekmetric through your personal referral link.

get my link
Tekmetric referral program.

how it works

Sign up
create your link
Generate your personal referral link by joining the program.
share your link
share your link
Send your custom link to friends, fellow shops, or anyone else in your network who could use Tekmetric.
cash in your rewards
cash in your rewards
When a shop joins Tekmetric using your personal link, you earn $200 and they earn $100!


Who can I share this link with?
Eligible auto repair shop are those not currently a Tekmetric customer, including new locations for existing customers. In addition, eligible shops must not already be actively considering Tekmetric, meaning they haven't had a demo in the past 30 days.
How can I check the status of my referral?
When you share your link, you’ll get notified every step of the way via the email you used to join the program. Total transparency!
How and When do I get paid?
For you: After your friend's shop joins Tekmetric through your link, you’ll get notified immediately. You'll get an automatic email to redeem your reward once they've been with us for 60 days.

For your friend: They will get an email with how to redeem their reward as soon as they reach the 60 day mark.
How many times can I use the same link?
As many times as you want! If you lose your link, you can easily retrieve it by rejoining the program with the same email you used.  

For more details, click here for full terms and conditions.