Smart Jobs becomes a huge time saver for Cardinal Plaza Shell

Smart Jobs saves Cardinal Plaza Shell’s advisors valuable time in creating repair orders
Smart Jobs becomes a huge time saver for Cardinal Plaza Shell
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About Cardinal Plaza Shell

In the fast-paced world of auto repair, staying ahead isn’t just about keeping pace; it’s about maintaining a standard your customers grow to expect. That’s the philosophy at Cardinal Plaza Shell, an automotive service shop providing excellence to customers in Springfield, Virginia. 

Chris Chagnon, the Chief Operation Officer, implemented Tekmetric in early 2020. As the pandemic reshaped the landscape of the auto repair industry, Chris recognized the urgent need to adapt. The shop's existing management system was laden with unfulfilled promises of updates and flexibility, leaving the team in a backlog when it mattered most. 

His team hasn’t looked back since. 

The Challenge

The shop operates at high volume, with service advisors constantly juggling phone calls and customer queries. To deliver standout service, efficiency is key.

“Our service advisors are the real bottleneck because they're answering phones, helping people that walk in, and having to juggle a bunch of different priorities. It can get messy during peak hours."

Chris explained. The need for a solution that could streamline their workflow and allow them to focus more on customer service was clear.

The Solution

When Tekmetric introduced Smart Jobs, a feature designed to reduce clicks and save time during the creation of repair orders, Chris saw more than just an upgrade; he saw a new business advantage.

This innovative feature enables service advisors to create repair orders with just one click. For Chris, the decision to implement Smart Jobs was a “no-brainer.” The feature’s simplicity and efficiency meant that service advisors could now focus on what really matters: the customer. “Simplicity is the best thing,” Chris said, emphasizing how Smart Jobs eliminates the need to manually source labor and parts, freeing up advisors to concentrate on customer needs.

The Results

With Smart Jobs, the team at Cardinal Plaza Shell has experienced a significant shift in how they operate. The feature has not only streamlined the job creation process but has also allowed service advisors to devote more time to customer interactions. “It saves us so many clicks every time, and those gains made in the margins add up,” Chris noted, highlighting the tangible benefits of Smart Jobs on their operations.

Looking to the Future

For Cardinal Plaza Shell, Smart Jobs isn’t just a feature; it’s a cornerstone of their commitment to excellence.

“Smart Jobs is a must-have. It's going to speed up your service writing process by a huge amount."

As they look towards the future, it’s clear that Cardinal Plaza Shell will continue to innovate and evolve, with Tekmetric by their side, ensuring that their service remains the best it can be—not just  vehicle repairs, but the full customer experience.

In embracing Smart Jobs, Cardinal Plaza Shell has not only enhanced its operational efficiency but has also reinforced its dedication to providing unparalleled service, proving that with the right tools, any challenge can be transformed into an opportunity for growth and improvement.

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